Alliteration Contest Poems: Meeting the ‘hood patrol on my two-wheeled commute, Grant Shimmin

Grant Shimmin is a New Zealand poet born in South Africa. An editor for Does it Have Pockets?, he has work in journals globally including Roi Faineant Press, Bull, The Hooghly Review The Hemlock Journal, Blue Bottle Journal and Cool Beans Lit. This poem was previously published in fussub.

Meeting the ‘hood patrol on my two-wheeled commute

Wiry and weathered
Faux black leather vacuum-sealed
around his sparrow limbs
The beat from the portable radio
penduluming from the crossbar
comfortably outpacing his pensive pedalling
Grey hair long under the black beanie
of a summer not-quite-arrived
Mouth smoke-grip puckered
advertising a vacancy
He rides, watching warily
This is his hood
Im just an intruder in transit


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