12-Hour Carol Contest: A Contested Carol, Liv Ross

Liv is an urban monk, a poet, a storyteller, and a student of Christian spirituality. When she’s not writing, Liv practices gardening, pipe-smoking, leather-working, and mischief.

A Contested Carol

‘Twas a day of whimsy when

My friend sent forth his call—

‘Send me your poems. Twelve hours, my friends,

I’ll read them one and all!’

Light-heartedly, I typed and tapped

And words spilled ‘cross the screen.

A poem to keep the judges rapt.

The best they’ve ever seen!


But I’ve only twelve hours to write

My magnum opus poem.

And forty lines is kind of tight

To bring this whole thing home.

‘Send me your poems. Twelve hours, my friends,

I’ll read them one and all!’

Perhaps after my dinner, then

I’ll have something to call


A carol for that is the theme.

Oh, muses, meet me here!

Bring meter and a rhyming scheme,

Something to bring good cheer!

No music though, for I am no

Composer, I’m afraid.

But these words still sing, I hope,

And aren’t too overplayed.


‘Send me your poems. Twelve hours, my friends,

I’ll read them one and all!’

What fun! I said and wrote these lines

And simply had a ball.

For that must be the goal of these

Whimsical little games.

To write and send good words with ease

While my friends do the same.


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