12-Hour Carol Contest: Carol of the Shades, Alex Rettie

This one isn't strictly from the contest, because it's mine, but it fits the theme.

Carol of the Shades

Fear and fleeing autumn brings –

Blow! Blow! Rain and snow!

Creeping, crawling, cruel things –

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Bad times come and good times go!

Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Tears and terror autumn brings

Blow! Blow! Tears and snow!

Devils dance and Satan sings –

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Mourning comes and joy must go!

Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Death and dolor autumn brings –

Blow! Blow! Blood and snow!

Killing prophets, priests, and kings –

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Funerals come and families go!

Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Man’s damnation autumn brings –

Blow! Blow! Hell and snow!

Trapped inside infernal rings –

Blow! Blow! Blow!


Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Death must come and God must go!

Blow! Blow! Winds all blow!

Blow! Blow! Blow!


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