12-hour Sonnet Contest!

 Looking for sonnets for a fun, 50/50 sonnet contest. 

By  6 am EST, August 30, 2024:

  • Send a word doc or pdf with one or more sonnets to anrettie@gmail.com. 
  • Send $5 Canadian for each sonnet submitted to  paypal.me/AlexanderRettie OR if you're in Canada, save us both fees and e-transfer to anrettie@gmail.com.
By 8 am EST, August 31, 2024, I will announce a winner, who will receive 50% of the submission fees! All contestants will be contacted by email.
I'll publish the winner and any other sonnets I like here by 8 am EST, September 2.

  • I'm not going to quibble about what counts as a sonnet, but I will tell you I like end rhyme, meter, and fourteen lines. So there's that.
  • Name your file the title of the poem and DO NOT include your name or other identifying information.
  • Add a note to your PayPal payment indicating the title of the poem or poems you're paying the submission fee for.


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