Bring Out Your Dead! A Halloween Sonnet Contest
If there's one thing that gets the words flowing, it's death. And with tomorrow being Halloween, the day after All Saints Day, and November 11 Remembrance Day, Armistice Day, and/or Veterans Day, no time could be better for a contest focused on those we have lost. Another day coming up shortly is US election day, and writing a sonnet will help get your mind off all that. Between 12:01 am and 11:59 pm EDT, October 31, 2024: Send a word doc or pdf with one or more sonnets to Send $5 Canadian for each sonnet submitted to OR if you're in Canada, save us both fees and e-transfer to By 11 am EST November 5, I will announce a winner, who will receive 50% of the submission fees! All contestants will be contacted by email. I'll publish the winner and any other sonnets I like here by 9 pm EST, November 5 -- to give you some fun news no matter how the US election goes. Guidelines I'm not going to quibble abo